Cosmetic Dentists in Thailand

Cosmetic dentistry involves any dental treatment that is used to beautify your smile. Common cosmetic dental treatments done by cosmetic dentists in Thailand include:

  • Teeth Whitening
    • BriteSmile Teeth Whitening
    • Laser Teeth Whitening
    • Zoom Teeth Whitening
  • Porcelain Veneers or Composite Veneers
  • Porcelain Crowns and Bridges
  • Replacing silver with tooth-colored fillings or bonding
  • Inlays, onlays or overlays

The types of cosmetic dental treatments recommended by your cosmetic dentists in Thailand will thus vary with your specific case. For example, if you have yellowish teeth, the cosmetic dental treatment that your thailand cosmetic dentist may recommend could simply be teeth whitening.; if however teeth are damaged and missing, the cosmetic dental treatment in restoring your smile may include the options of tooth-colored fillings, overlays, crowns in fixing the damaged teeth and a porcelain bridge, partial dentures or dental implants in replacing the missing gap.

Cosmetic dentists therefore encompass or involve various dental specialities and specialists. General dentists performs simple teeth whitening treatments; Operative dentists with certificate qualifications in operative dentistry are experts at porcelain veneers, inlays, onlays, overlays and fillings. Restorative dentists with qualifications in restorative dentistry are able to perform a wide range of prosthodontic treatments, operative dentistry treatments and full mouth dental makeover cases.

Thailand is well-renounced globally for their skilled bangkok cosmetic dentists. International patients from around the world have specially made trips to have their dental makeover done in Thailand. With Thailand's increasingly use of advance technologies, increased safety standards, skilled arts crafted dental technicans, Thailand's dentists are now recognized as a leading dental tourism hub for dental makeovers.

You are able to read up more about having teeth whitening in thailand done in Bangkok. One of the most popular teeth whitening treatment in thailand amongst celebrities is BriteSmile teeth whitening and Zoom teeth whitening.

Associations related to Cosmetic Dentists Overseas

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) is dedicated to advancing excellence in the art and science of cosmetic dentistry and encouraging the highest standards of ethical conduct and responsible patient care. Established in 1984, the AACD began offering the most stringent and respected postgraduate certification in cosmetic dentistry to both dentists and laboratory technicians.


The ESCD (formerly ESED) or European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry is a organization founded in 2003 by a group of practicing dentists, dental technicians and dental professors of different universities from Europe to respond to the growing interest in the cosmetic and esthetic dentistry.



The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) leads the profession to higher standards of dentistry. All members are encouraged to provide their dentistry to their patients in an aesthetic manner, whilst maintaining high standards so that dental health and longevity of any dental work is ensured